Fun With Conversation Hearts

Have a little fun with conversation hearts. Create your own HERE!


We will be taking a two week break from blogging while we soak up some sun in Hawaii! Check back soon!

Twirly Skirts

As many of you know I am not much of a seamstress. And when the lack of talent isn't present, I strive even harder to conquer the task! Therefore, I couldn't just make 1 twirly skirt, I had to make 9 (Just to make sure I have it down!). (Actually they were Christmas presents for the cousins on the Briggs side.)

House On Road Hill has a fabulous tutorial on how to make them. No pattern required! If I can make them, so can you!

A close up of the girls skirts & shirts I made!

That's A LOT of sewing! (Not to mention 1 skirt and 3 shirts are missing from the picture!)

I made another skirt and shirt for Addi
(They have become so addicting, that I just may end up making her one for every season)

Happy New a little gift!

Hooray 2009! I decided to bring in the new year with another new hobby of design! Feel free to snag it and add it to your blog. Look for more to come!

{Now I KNOW it's not perfect, but it'll have to do for now!}
How to add it to your blog you ask? Simple! Follow my directions!
*Make sure your template is set to Minima (you won't loose your widgets...don't worry!)
  1. -Click on CUSTOMIZE in blogger (top right corner)
  2. -Click on ADD A PAGE ELEMENT
  3. Find HTML/JAVA SCRIPT and click on ADD TO BLOG
  4. Copy and paste (in the big white box) the ENTIRE html code below:

    5. Add my direct link inside the html code inbetween the parenthesis

(make sure to leave the parenthesis)
If you download it, I'd love to see your blog!