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If you know of any other Fantastic Family Home Evening Blogs or Websites that you'd like to see added, please email me at senderikaaletter (at) hotmail (dot) com. Thanks!
Pleasant SundaySugarDoodleDeseret Book–Weekly FHE lesson, plus searchable archives
Clipart from the FRIEND magazine–all in one place
Lissa’s FHE for a year–lessons divided by seasons
Family Home Evenings For A Year
FHE Helps & Idea -The Idea door
Safely Gathered In Family Home Evenings
Jenny Smith (now Mormon Share)–great site with clipart, object lessons, and activity ideas
Quick FHE ideas
Family Home Evening -about.com
Family Home Evenings -Bella Online
Family Home Evening -Light Planet
First Presidency Message about FHE
Games to play as a familyLDS Coloring PagesJoseph Smith FHE lesson ideas
Games to make for FHE–Word searches, bingo, matching games and more
Articles of Faith lessons–ideas and PDF downloads
Books of the Bible–flashcards and bingo (not an LDS site)
Gospel Principles–Study guide for young children, using G.P. manual paired with Primary songs and coordinating FRIEND magazine activities
Old Testament ABC’s–printable quiz cards
FHE gamesFamilies In Zion (mostly pay, some free)